Renzo´s Second Surf Trip
/Renzo finding some rhythm striaght from the plane… haven’t surfed in how long?
Renzo was one of our first clients back in 2018 and we were so stoke when he told us he had finally found some free time from work to come back to visit us. Renzo hadn´t surfed in long time as he is land lock and his work agenda barely gives him enough time for some skating and snowboarding, so we where so happy when we found some fun waves just a few hours after he arrived. We were also impressed on how good he surfs considering the few days he can spend in the water per year.
Renzo testing his niew surfboard on some small lefts
Renzo had just bought a new surfborad he was dying to try out so we tailored his surftrip with different types of waves from shorebreaks to beachbreaks to pointbreaks. Not sure if it was the board or Renzo’s raw talent, but the board look fun in all breaks and in all conditions.
Flow, speed and style… seems like skating and snowboardinig kept renzo sharp
Waves never got too big during the trip but we did surf fun waves everyday. We even went searching and found some super fun shorebreak all for ourselves just at the end of a lonely dirt road.
Some backside snapts on a sideshore little left we found down the beach
Offshore, onshore or sideshore, Renzo just surfed through it all and always fun ones. Always happy, always making friends, always smiling
LAst wave before leaving
And all of a sudden it was our last surf session, which we did not wanted to end as we eventually had to rush to the airport happily tired, sunburned, with our muscles aching, wet cloth in our luggage and a big smile.