Panama Surfing Tours Story

The idea to start a Surf Tour company actually came from a Finnish friend, client and surfer who visited us back when we where operating a surf camp here in Panama. This friend was visiting Panama for the first time and had not surfed in quite a few months and was therefore feeling somewhat rusty; to top it all, waves where pretty big when he arrived. He asked us if we could help him out find some easy waves to help him get back in rhythm.  So after reviewing the swell and wind conditions, we spent the next few days at different surf spots with easy waves while he started to get his surfing rhythm and confidence level back. We moved from one break to another break surfing different waves each one a little bit more challenging than the other as he got better and better. By the end of the week he was so stoked on his surfing progress and all the different type of waves that he had surfed that it was then that he suggested that this should be my core business: designing and providing personalized Surf Tours in accordance with the person's surfing level and surfing goals. He said that I already had the local knowledge, that I already loved exploring and surfing different waves throughout Panama and that I was always having fun regardless of the wave; so why not make this my business and share it with a few different people every week. And that was it, we took his suggestion and a year later our Finnish friend came back to Panama as our first Panama Surfing Tours client and once more we ended up surfing different breaks up and down Panama's coast, enjoying great waves, good food and lots of laughs.