Javier's Surf Tour

Right, right of the plane

Javier came to Panama on a business trip and somehow managed to set up all of his meetings either after mid morning or just the afternoon which allowed him enough time for daily morning surftrips pretty much every day of his 10 day business trip . There was therefore a lot of driving involved and very early morning coffees to wake Javier up; but we did manage to surf at least 2 hours everyday and a few days we even got to surf until we could no longer move… and yes a lot of mid morning coffee to wake Javier up for work

Javier spreading his wings on a set wave

A couple of days we had a tropical storm roll over which made it difficult to find a break close enough to the city to drive to, surf and drive back in a morning, and sheltered enough to work with the crosswind. We did however find one and Javier just seemed to find his grove

Highline to a very long long right

On the last day (morning) surf trip Javier did mentioned that he had a lot of fun using a shortboard and except for what he described as paddling issues due to the lack of volume at the nose, he will probably get one for his next surfboard… as it turns out Javier is actually a windsurfer who has taken surfing and his boards were all foam funbooards …. so happy to welcome Javier to the shortboard revolution

Last wave of the trip… making it count